Saturday, May 28, 2011


So, it seems I am going to use my blog to talk about something completely non-critical and uncontroversial. I know it is a shock, but it's my blog and I can do what I want with it.

For the first summer in my life I am without a backyard, and only a 53"x 53" deck to lay claim to the outdoors with. I am also busier than I have ever been juggling 3 jobs, (2 of which are occasional work so it isn't like I'm working 70 hours a week), 2 online courses, many volunteer commitments and I don't even know what else, so it isn't like I have tons and tons of time to coddle a garden. Whatever I grew this year and how I grew it had to be pretty low maintenance.

Enter the idea of a sub-irrigation planter. They are also called self-watering planters. The idea being that if I don't have to worry about watering the garden every couple of days it will pretty much grow itself once the initial commitment of building the planters and planting stuff is taken care of. Since I've been asked lots of times about them and about how to do them, I thought I would put together a bit of a photo-tutorial even though I'm sure there are better more thorough ones out there.

So, let's get started!

You will need:

One storage container with lid (Mine was a 66L one that was on sale at Home Depot for $5). It's best if the lid isn't too rigid since you are going to have to cut it.
One exacto knife
A sharpie or something else to mark where to cut with
2 Yogurt containers (750 g)
A piece of pipe about 6 inches taller than the container (Mine were 2 feet tall) with one end cut on an angle.
30 L of triple mix soil

1) Use the exacto knife to trim the lid down so that it fits inside the container. For me this meant cutting it just inside the second ridge and just having the centre of the lid. If you are unsure leave it bigger and you can trim it down to fit afterwards with scissors. That's what I did until I figured it out.

When you are done, it will look like this:

2) Lay the two yogurt containers on top of the cut out lid and trace around them with the sharpie.

So that you will have something that looks like this:

3) Next we are going to be cutting those circles out. Before we do, I just wanted to mention that it is important to make sure that you are cutting inside the circle that you drew. The yogurt containers are going to help support the false bottom (aka the lid you just cut down) in the container, so it is important that when you cut out the circles that the containers can't fit through them at the top.

To cut out the circles you are going to cut a + sign into the lid in the middle of the circle like this:

To trace out the circle you are going to skor a curve into the lid, for one of the 4 segments you created, using the exacto knife just inside the line that you drew like this:

Then, you can push that one piece out through the middle and it will just snap off leaving a wedge shaped hole.

Repeat all the way around the circle until you get something that looks like this:

4) Repeat this process for the second circle.

5) Trace the outline of the pipe onto the lid.

The process for this is exactly the same as with the yogurt containers only this time, you want to make sure that you trace outside the black line since we want the pipe to fit through the hole. Don't worry if the hole is a bit too big for the pipe since when we put soil in the planter it will help stabilize it.

When you are done it will look like this:

6) Now we are going to put holes in the yogurt containers. That's how the soil will absorb the water. I used the exacto knife and just cut out triangles, you could also poke holes with a drill bit, or an awl or anything that you want. When I was done, mine looked like this:

7) Place the yogurt containers in the bottom of the storage container:

Then place the false bottom with the bias side of the pipe facing downwards in the container on top of the yogurt containers, lining up the yogurt containers with the holes for them:

8) Bring planter to where you want it to stay. From here on out it will get heavy so moving it will be hard.

9) Fill planter with soil.

10) Plant things in planter. In this one I planted 2 tomato plants, as well as some peas and kale from seed.

11) Pour in a bucket full of water through the pipe at the top and let the plants grow!

I'll check back in a few weeks with how everything is getting on!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I consider myself to be a fairly open person. You can ask me pretty much anything, and so long as it is asked with respect in the context of some form of a relationship, even one that is just starting, I will answer you as honestly as I feel comfortable. I recognize that I have knowledge and a perspective that many people don't share and I am always happy to share the theories I have come across as well as my own experiences. I am not however, willing to let that openness be transformed into something where I am akin to the monkey at the zoo.

Within the last week or so I've had a few experiences that made me start to question why I do keep myself so open to other people and where do I draw the line.

A group of Social Work students (From a program with a strong anti-oppression foundation) approached me and asked if I would help them with a group project on disability within the school. Given that this past year I sat on and chaired many disability-related committees and had my own lived experiences of disability I felt that I was in an excellent position to provide them with a really detailed look at who the major players are regarding disability at the school, and exactly what each committee and group was doing.

I met with one girl, and she was awesome. We had a great conversation about disability, and even though it was clear that she hadn't been exposed to a lot of disability theory or know much about what the issues were, she engaged with respect and sensitivity and all of the things that make people an awesome ally. As we were leaving I mentioned that if there were other members of her group who wanted to contact me, she could go ahead and share my contact information and I would be happy to meet with them or talk to them.

A couple of days ago as the project was getting closer to being due, I got an email from another group member. Whereas the email from the first person had engaged respectfully, had asked for my time and a discussion, this person took it for granted that I would be willing to help them, and in the same email where they were asking me for help attached a list of questions that if I just wouldn't mind answering them and sending them back to him, that would be great.

When I read the questions I was kind of shocked. Initially off the bat the first question was who are you at the school? Staff/Student/Faculty, able/disabled, male/female? I felt reduced to someone who could be put into this little tiny binary box to be dissected and examined. It would have been one thing if the question had been phrased "Can you tell me a little bit about who you are within the school community?" Perhaps using the interviewing and counselling skills that they teach in the social work program. Or, perhaps recognizing the privileged position that allows you to even ask those questions to someone else. It was terrifying to me that someone who is in school to be a Social Worker and who will be working with marginalized and oppressed populations for the entirety of their career could approach a person in such an intrusive manner.

I'd like to be able to say that I called them out on their oppressive behaviour. The truth is that I tried to fight for some basic respect. I put out there that if they wanted to talk about these things they were complicated so they needed to happen in person rather than email. I tried to get them to realize that that meeting should happen in a time and manner that was convenient for me. Sadly in the end I gave in and had this conversation in a manner that I didn't want to. I'd like to hope that now this person at least has a better understanding of what the issues are, but I am disappointed with myself that I didn't feel convinced enough that what they were doing was oppressive to call them out on that behaviour. For their own good, and the good of everyone that they will come across.

I think it is shocking though how many people there are like this in the world. For me it was shocking that even though I've had more than my share of run-ins with close-minded oppressive service providers, that these people are in my school and that they come from somewhere. That there are people who treat people like they should be in an exhibit and studied rather than as full citizens to engage with. That as much as I live in a socially aware little bubble, there is still a big world out there that would rather study me and examine me from afar rather than actually see me as a person.